An early big storm has been reported in the mountains. A dusting here in Mendoza yesterday, but the regular sun is back shining strong today and from the looks of it 6 hours south too.
August 5th - 11th
Well this is certainly the best area in South America. Long steeps, best snow, endless backcountry opportunities. Fully isolated resort surrounded by the mountains. Still everything moves slow, long nights for everyone has the lifts open in stages throughout the morning. Truly on Argentinean time.
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August 6th
Big mountain, mucha nieve. At least 250cm of fresh. Still we wait for top to be cleared...
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July 27th
The ski resort overlooking the lake town. Conditions are only ok, and the terrain hardly compares to Chillan.
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July 20-22nd
I finally made it to the slopes. It's the biggest area in southern Chile, though there has not been new snow for a week. Packed and groomed, and off trail has soft and solid spots. The most accessible off-piste is a long rolling group of gullies and natural pipes, with occasional short steeps.
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